Videos of playgirl magazine cfnm

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This one, and one labeled 'Playgirl Couples (1996 and beyond)' so as not to mix up the vintage and the non-vintage pictures. The magazines go from the 70's all the way up to present times, so I'll be starting two threads. All credit goes to the original scanner and uploader, although I'm not sure who he/she actually is. On my travels through the internet I came across a trove of Playgirl Magazines scanned online, and I saved the images of the couples, and thought that I'd re-post them here. Call me girly, but I like the way that the shoots focus on her focusing on him. I've always enjoyed the Couples pictorials from Playgirl magazine, which capture a similar sensuality and romantic eroticism as the 'Playful Couples' or 'Softcore Pearls' threads.

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